Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Getting Fluoride Out of Austin City Water"

"Getting Fluoride Out of Austin City Water"
An Information Meeting at
Casa de Luz Community Night
Monday May 11, 2009
7:00 - 9:00 pm (Cielo Room)
Free and Open to All
Did you know that Austin Water Utility routinely injects an unrefined industrial-grade toxic waste chemical into our everyday water supply? Fluorosilicic acid, scrubbed from the smokestacks of phosphate fertilizer factories, accumulates in the body over time causing an assortment of unwanted ailments. Numerous recent studies reveal that this chemical lowers IQ, causes bone and bladder cancer, slows the metabolic ability of the thyroid, brings onbone disease, inhibits function of the pineal gland, poisons the kidneys, and damages teeth.

When the City Council made its 1973 decision to medicate its population through the public water supply, it used data that is now known to be false. Communities across the US have woken up to this public health debacle and are voting against fluoridation in force. Fluoride Free Austin ultimately seeks to inform and mobilize Austinites to seek the end of water fluoridation of the city water we use to drink, cook, and grow our food. The Austin City Council was going to vote on whether or not to renew the fluoride contact in March 2010 but Fluoride Free Austin just learned that last week it quietly voted to renew the contract!

Join as we get informed, exchange ideas, and get involved. Austin's fluoridated water is a concern to those committed to health for all, organic food, permaculture, and sustainability. Please forward this email to others.

Visit to reference numerous credible articles based on scientific studies conducted in recent years. Also visit The Douglass Report for information.

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1 comment:

none said...

Keep up the amazing job!