Monday, February 11, 2008

We Will Not Vote for the GOP Nominee 2008 Election

"Message to Republican/GOP Party: Ron Paul Supporters will not vote for the GOP Nominee come election day for 2008 if it is not Ron Paul. We will write Ron Paul in or vote for Ron Paul if he runs independent/third party."

Let's send the GOP a message. Please sign this petition, and also this one: No Way McCain!

No more RINOs!

1. He has a consistent pattern of shocking verbal abuse, including screaming profanities, against Senate Republican colleagues who oppose his bills in any way; and

2. He has exercised scandalously poor judgment by intervening with the federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating, Jr. in the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s; and

3. He has worked against the principles of the Republican Party, promoting greatly expanding federal regulatory authority in order to combat global warming in ways that would greatly burden the American economy, contrary to free market forces; and

4. He has fought the Republican Party to create the Patient’s Bill of Rights, which allowed the government to impose a set of burdensome mandates on insurance coverage; and

5. He has undermined the principles of a free market economy by voting for an amendment that would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement price controls on prescription drugs under Medicare; and

6. He has worked against the Republican Party to make a mockery of the rule of law, promoting amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants; and

7. He has voted to subvert American Sovereignty by granting consulting rights to Mexico concerning the erection of a southern border fence; and

8. He has undermined the Constitution and opposed the Constitutional duties of the Vice President to break a tie on judicial nominations; and

9. He has worked against Conservative principles, undermining the First Amendment by abridging the free speech of citizens partaking in the political process; and

10. He has consistently led efforts undermining Second Amendment rights by promoting bills which regulate all sales at gun shows; regulations which force gun-owners to purchase trigger locks, making their firearms useless for self-defense; regulations which restrict the legitimate transfer of firearms over the internet; and regulations which extend the restrictions of the Brady bill to pawn shops and gun repair shops; and

11. He has voted to use taxpayer funds to harvest stem cells from human embryos; and

12. He has refused to take immediate and direct action to protect the life of the unborn; he opposes the repeal of Roe v. Wade; and he opposes a constitutional amendment to protect all human life; and

13. He sponsored and voted for a 282% tax increase on cigarettes that would have unconstitutionally violated the First Amendment and increased the size of the federal bureaucracy exponentially by giving the FDA unrestricted control over nicotine; and

14. He supports raising Social Security taxes; and

15. He has broken with the Republican Party in strongly opposing President Bush’s tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. He also joined leading liberal senators in offering and voting for amendments designed to undermine the tax cuts.

McCain is wrong:

· Wrong on taxes
· Wrong on illegal aliens
· Wrong on political free speech
· Wrong on man and global warming
· Wrong on treatment of terrorist captives
· Wrong on temperament
· Wrong on party loyalty
· Wrong on ethics
· Wrong on POW/MIA issues

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Danny Vice said...

I have a question for Conservatives who claim that there is something honorable about not voting for McCain. Who spend more of their time beating down a fellow Republican, while ignoring the extreme liberal forces that are about to kick their butts completely out of every branch of government.

McCain was the worst choice for Replublicans, but they are about to make a bad choice into an insane result.

This is not just about who will be President for 4 years. It’s about preventing a complete washout of all conservative influence.. How is having only 50% of McCain’s ear worse than having zip out of a liberal dictatorship who thinks all conservative thought is archaic?

What is honorable about sitting on your butt at home, refusing to vote – allowing all branches of government to be swarmed by RABIDLY liberal opponents who have vowed to undo everything conservatives have fought to achieve over the past decade?

I hear endless whining and griping from Conservatives – while the extreme liberals, who are bent on reversing every conservative principal – out number us at the polls nearly two to one. Is that principal or do conservatives just have a death wish to see our country turn to the extreme left (who has no problem getting their hind ends to the polls)..

What is so conservative about beating down the (soon to be) nominee who supports our troops, instead of the extreme liberals who insult our troops and degrade them every single day in front of the entire world?

By punishing John McCain for not being conservative enough – you are really punishing all conservatives by making absolutely sure they will be governed by radical, rabid liberalism for the next 4 to 8 years.

By stomping your feet and refusing to help, you in turn assure that the laws of the land will have few conservatives in a position of power to stop a runaway liberal train that will further infiltrate our school, explode your tax burden and socialize every part of your life it can.

If you must be dragged to the polls, then don’t bother complaining when our courts are swarmed by the liberals who will put judges in power.

Please think twice before punishing the rest of us conservatives, who may not love McCain, but are smart enough to realize the living nightmare that will ensue, if things continue on the path they are going.

I see nothing conservative about being so focused on the anthill, you completely ignore the volcano that’s about to wipe your entire cause out. That is not principal. That’s political suicide. Will conservatives ever learn?.

Danny Vice

FreedomJoyAdventure said...


We have a much better option available to us: Ron Paul.

McCain is unsuitable for many, many reasons.

The GOP needs to pull its collective head out of a dark place and get behind Ron Paul, or risk losing what little credibility they might still have.

I don't think anybody I know is 'refusing to vote' - we're all planning to vote for Ron Paul, EVEN IF WE HAVE TO WRITE HIM IN.

John McCain represents more of the same, corrupt 'business as usual' politics that has many of us so fed up. Thanks for your input, however, you've motivated me to publish the case against McCain. Look for it here soon.